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Changing organizers and upcoming meeting schedule

From: Doug H.
Sent on: Saturday, October 6, 2012, 5:44 PM

Hi, everyone,

Murali has asked me to take over responsibility for organizing the meetup, and I've agreed.

As we discussed at the September meeting, the date for the October meeting falls during the Grizzly Summit, and so that meeting is canceled. Looking at the calendar, I see that the third Thursday of November is Thanksgiving. We will either need to work out a different night of the month, or cancel that meeting as well. I would like some feedback from the group about which you would prefer we do, so please reply with your preference.

Either way, we should be able to resume our normal schedule on December 20, and we will need a speaker for that evening. If you would like to talk about work you are doing with OpenStack or something you've learned from experimenting with it, email me directly. If you have an idea for a topic you would like to hear about but are not prepared to give, send that in too and I will try to find a speaker.

I'm looking forward to resuming our meetings, soon!




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