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OpenUK Glasgow, Scotland #2

Photo of Kenny Coyle
Hosted By
Kenny C.


The next OpenUK Scotland talk will be on 15th May 2024 in the BBC Viewing Theatre, Pacific Quay, Glasgow.

This month we have 2 excellent speakers giving us insight on 2 diverse topics.

Jack Gilmore, Technical Lead of Open Data Scotland will be giving us an overview of how Open the Data Scotland platform works and how it's grown over the year

Neil McKillop, Founder for Glasgow.Social will be talking about the work involved in running a popular Matrix network for social and technical communities across Glasgow and the West of Scotland.

Open Data Scotland

Open Data Scotland is an open-source, collaborative, and volunteer run project which helps people locate and understand Open Data in Scotland better.

With a target audience of Analysts, Data Scientists, Web Developers and beyond, the platform makes it easy to discover useful data sources of public information cross Scotland, all available with clear licensing and usage guidelines to enable people to use the resource in the best context.


Don’t you miss the days when the web really was the world’s greatest decentralised network? Before everything got locked down into a handful of walled gardens?

Enter ActivityPub and Matrix! ActivityPub is a decentralised social networking protocol based on the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format. ActivityPub is an official W3C recommended standard published by the W3C Social Web Working Group.

Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history.

Thank you to our sponsors BBC Scotland for providing this great space!
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COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of OpenUK group
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BBC Scotland
40 Pacific Quay · Glasgow