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From: Les
Sent on: Friday, July 9, 2010, 1:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Orange County REAL Karaoke!


When: Monday, July 26,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Time Out Tavern & Nightclub
27822 Aliso Creek Road
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

This is an EXCLUSIVE promotion for REAL KARAOKE singers only! THE FIRST ANNUAL WORLD SERIES OF KARAOKE POKER! Show up each night this week (July 15-18) at my karaoke clubs: Sundays @ DOLPHIN LOUNGE Anaheim, Mondays @ TIME OUT TAVERN Aliso Viejo, Tuesday IN CAHOOTS Fullerton and Wednesdays @ SWALLOWS INN San Juan Capistrano.

Multiple decks. Receive 2 playing cards on the first night and 1 card on the remaining 3 nights. Plus, boards cards will be revealed each night (2 cards the first night, 1 card each of the next 3 nights). At the end of the week the REAL KARAOKE singer with the best poker hand will win a prize package of goodies totalling more then $100.00! THE RULES: YOU MUST SING ATLEAST 3 SONGS AND PURCHASE ATLEAST 1 DRINK AT EACH LOCATION, to participate in this promotion.

To make it more interesting, there will also be a wild card....and GOLD cards! The GOLD card will not help your poker hand, but it's an instant winner that allows you to sing NEXT (cut in line) at any of my shows! Valid 1 time only and can be used anytime between the night you receive it and the end of 2010. I will also post each week what cards each member is holding in their hands, so you can follow all the action. If we end up with a tie (2 or more hands with identical cards) Winners can choose to divide up (chop the pot/goodie basket) or a single deck, 1 hand play off will take place on Sunday August 1st at the DOLPHIN LOUNGE Anaheim. No bluffing, no betting...just straight up 5 card stud hold 'um....and FUN karaoke of course!

If you have any questions, send me an email, or text me at[masked]. Looking forward to seeing all of you at my shows! - Les

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