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From: pashyo
Sent on: Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 11:41 PM

Hello Meditators and friends of Osho,

This is a reminder that this Saturday, April 28th, is our OSHO DAY with Meditations, Workshops, Music, Dance, Good Food and lots of laughter. You can still take the jump and be part of this exciting experience. It's very powerful to experience Osho's active meditations with a group of people. It's like taking a shower and pealing off layers of conditioning and restrictions we impose on ourselves ....out of old habit.

Please read all the details at Osho Los Angeles Meet-up or go to to sign up.

If you would like to attend part of the workshop, just look at the different payment options on our webpage. Call Pashyo at[masked] with any of your questions. Yahoo!

We are also excited to host "GHEE YOU ARE YOU" with KRISHNA PREM, famous for his irresistible sense of humor and love that emanates from him. Krishna Prem winters in India and summers in the West. It is a rare occasion to have him in LA and partake in his knowledge, his joy and love.

To celebrate this occasion we chose number 5.
It means that he will lead the meditation on 5-5-5 (magic numbers) or more simple on Saturday, May 5th at 5pm-7pm.

Read more details on meet-up!

Love and blessings,
Osho Los Angeles





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