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"Gee You Are You" with Krishna Prem

From: pashyo
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 9:55 PM

Osho Los Angeles is thrilled to host Krishna Prem, famous for his irresistible sense of humor and love that emanates from him. Krishna Prem winters in India and summers in the West. It is a rare occasion to have him in LA and partake in his knowledge, his joy and love.

To celebrate this occasion we chose number 5.
It means that he will lead the meditation on 5-5-5 (magic numbers) or more simple on Saturday, May 5th at 5pm-7pm.


When: Saturday, May 5, 2012, 5 pm

Where: 15242 Ardath Ave., Gardena, CA 90249

Price: $25 (includes book)


Krishna Prem wrote to us:

"I am excited about meditating with you… we will look into this mystery called life while we are together…

Meditation is the key to remember who you are. Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.

Our two hour workshop is based on Love and Meditation. Love is the feminine way and Meditation is the masculine way.

“Meditation means the capacity to be absolutely alone, and love means the capacity to be absolutely together. Love means rejoicing relatedness; meditation means rejoicing solitude, aloneness. Both do the same work, because on both the paths the ego disappears.“ Osho

The evening costs 25 dollars which includes the participants receiving a signed copy of my book, Gee You Are You... simply said the evening is free if you know how to read!"

Krishna Prem did not mentioned that LAUGHTER and tea (that we will serve) are also FREE!

The amount of people in the group is limited, so please hurry and RSVP with Pashyo #[masked]) or simply email her at [address removed]

Please use the link here below to see all the information and register with Paypal: