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Adventure into the Mysteries of the Heart this Sunday

From: pashyo
Sent on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 1:40 PM
Adventure into the Mysteries of the Heart
A One-day Workshop  
with Mystica


Life is an Art -
Living is not to be understood,
but instead, a "Mystery to be lived"

Did you know that the heart has a much higher intelligence than your mind? In this group you will be helped and guided to discover your own inate treasures. Come and join the mystery. Enter the dimension beyond the duality of the mind. Find out what is really important to you so that you know the direction that you want to go in life. Leave your shoes and minds behind and enter the world of joy, relaxation and bliss.

Come and celebrate and give thanks for our all the blessings
in your life.

What people say about Mystica:

"To be around her is a unique experience"
"It will change your life, uplift your spirit and open your heart"
"...major transformation of my life!"
"Your talents and your wisdom have made such a difference in my life!

Workshop Details:

November 24th, 10 am - 5 pm
15242 Ardath Ave, Gardena, CA 90249
Pashyo[masked], [address removed]
$78*/$95, *If booked before Nov 18
Please use paypal button on our website

"The greatest joy in life is to find the source of who you are, your real nature." Osho

[masked] -

See you Sunday,

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