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Osho Dynamic Meditation tomorrow morning!

From: pashyo
Sent on: Friday, November 6, 2015, 8:40 PM

Hello friends of Osho,

Sorry for the late notice...

Join us tomorrow SATURDAY at 8.00 am for 

at 15242 Ardath Ave., Gardena, CA 90249

R.S.V.P. by mail or text[masked]
$10 (Tea and Porridge included)

Osho Dynamic Meditation is a fast, intense and thorough way to break old and ingrained patterns in the bodymind that keep you imprisoned in the past. This meditation lasts one hour and has five stages. This is a powerful technique using chaotic breathing, catharsis, jumping, silence and dance to loosen up your body and mind and carry you into a state of conscious awareness and celebration.

It is best to have an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Please follow this link to learn how to do this meditation.
At the beginning of each meditation we will demonstrate the stages to you again.

Meditation is the master key!


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