What we’re about
This book club began as a way to organize book discussions for the readings from Our Shared Shelf, Emma Watson's feminist book club on Goodreads. I fell in love with the idea of a community of readers learning together through feminist books and discussions, and wanted to go beyond the online-only nature of that group.
As Gloria Steinem wrote in My Life On the Road (the first book the group read): "the miraculous but impersonal internet is not enough. ...nothing can replace being in the same space. ...In them, we discover we're not alone, we learn from one another, and so we keep going toward shared goals."
I started this Meetup group in that spirit, and it has grown over the years. We still read the bi-monthly book selections from the Goodreads group, and we read additional books as well -- everything from memoirs and novels to collections of essays and research. The focus is always on gender and the ways it impacts and shapes us, in conjunction with other social forces.
Everyone is welcome to join -- let's gather to share our thoughts on these inspiring books, and learn from each other's perspectives. Looking forward to sharing ideas!