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What we’re about

Welcome to Out-in-Tech Over 40 LGBT Professionals Meetup Group! This group is designed for LGBTQ+ individuals over 40 within Out-in-Tech. As we age, our perspectives and needs evolve, and this space caters to those unique life experiences

We support one another in our professional journey as gay professionals, share experiences and insights on running a profitable business, and actively contribute to helping the less fortunate. Join us for networking, discussions, and collaborations while building meaningful connections within the LGBT community. Together, we aspire to drive change and create a brighter future for all through our collective efforts.

In order to sustain our recurring event, we are faced with ongoing costs, including $39.99 per month for our Meetup group and $15.99 per month for Zoom Pro. Your generous contributions are vital to our continuity and success. Every donation, no matter the size, will significantly assist in keeping our group active and thriving. Thank you for your support.

Upcoming events (4+)

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