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Member Challenge

From: Sue
Sent on: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 9:22 PM
The organizers have a challenge for you all!
Which Outdoor & Snow Lover member can get the most people to join the group by Saturday, March 20, 2010...the end of winter.
Our sponsor Trend Micro has sent us one of their products (and no it isn't more hand sanitizers, but it's worth $50!) that we'll present to the person who refers the most people. Plus, there will get a gift card to the winner. We'll have some other giveaways for other winners and present them at a party on Sunday, March 21, 2010...the first day of spring.
On a weekly basis we'll post who is in the lead. New members are asked one profile question when they join and that's how they heard about the group. So just tell your friends to be sure to write your name down prompted. No one but the organizers see who referred who. Pretty darn easy.
We'll do the party at Bunker's on Sunday, March 21st and do up a food feast as only Lee Anne and I can do. Must admit we come up with some pretty good food. No charge for the food.
Here's a link that you can send to your friends, and they can send to their friends, and so on and so forth.
Happy referring and may the best Snow Lover win!
Sue and Lee Anne
FYI - we officially started this out by word of mouth on January 4th and so far Jeanne null has made the most referrals. We'll post the numbers every Sunday night.

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