Fall Picnic and Games
Come to our next OutWorlders picnic, where we combine board games with the great outdoors!
OutWorlders will provide sandwiches (including a meatless option), chips, and iced tea. Bring a side dish or beverage to share, if you can.
Enter our Vibranium Chef Competition and bring your best dish or drink using the featured ingredient: ginger! Judging for Vibranium Chef will begin at 1:00 pm. If you want to compete, be sure to be there by 12:30 pm.
All attendees can vote in the competition, with points towards Presentation, Creativity, and Taste. There will be a winner for each category, plus an overall winner. The overall winner gets the honor of selecting the featured ingredient for our next Vibranium Chef Competition.
Feel free to bring your own board games and come play with us!
OutWorlders is Atlanta's premier LGBTQ+ board gaming and sci-fi/fantasy group.
Fall Picnic and Games