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Re: [painter-84] Tee shirt

From: Verne T.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 2:58 PM

I agree with you Steve. I sold a painting once just from a woman asking me about my painting. I think that if I had worn a shirt like this

that she wouldn't talked to me at all and walked off.  But thats just my feeling on it.


On 8/23/2016 1:04 PM, Steven A. Simpson wrote:

Many are afraid to approach an artist in the field. I encourage questions. I frequently turn to someone who is standing quietly behind me and say, "Hi, do you have any questions?" or "What do you think?" Sometimes I just start talking about the piece of the painting I am working on at that instant.

The artistic process is a mystery to many people. Why shouldn't we inform them, and perhaps
nurture a future art buyer. I once spent a wonderful afternoon painting with a large group of kids from Spain sitting behind me and peppering me with questions.

The T-shirt (as described below) seems a bit snarky to me. Why is perpetuating a standoff-ish attitude a good thing? Maybe it should say: "Ask me about my art!" or "Ask me about my aht!" — for we New Englanders.

Perhaps I'm alone in this view. If so, nevermind. :-)

Steven A. Simpson


Yes I painted this. 
Thank you.
All my art is for sale.
I'm sure you aunt's paintings are lovely.
Nice chatting with you.

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   Best regards,

   Verne L. Thayer II
   [address removed]

   Massachusetts Society - Sons of the American Revolution
   Society of Mayflower Descendants
   Society of the Descendants of the Colonial Clergy
   Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 
   The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America
   Thayer Families Association
   Bloodlines of Salem
   Mendon. MA. Historical Society
   Friends of Adin Ballou & Descendant

   Life's journey is not to
   arrive at the grave safely
   in a well preserved body,
   but rather to skid in sideways,   
   totally used up and worn out, shouting
', what a ride!'

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