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New Meetup: Tuesday - Gaming at Happy Donuts

From: Rob
Sent on: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 4:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Palo Alto Boardgames Meetup Group!

What: Tuesday - Gaming at Happy Donuts

When: October 28,[masked]:00 PM

Happy Donuts
3916 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Time for another meetup at Happy Donut. Happy Donut is spacious, nice long tables, good donuts, and not so good egg sandwiches. Three out of four isn't so bad :)

I will be bringing Polarity, Settlers, Khet, Stratego, and Abalone. If you have some games that you would like to bring, please do, and also mention them in your reply. If you have a game box that is developing a nice layer of dust, feel free to bring it along (minus the dust).

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