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Miami Beach Event - This Saturday - "Push For Pops"

From: Shirley
Sent on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 5:21 PM
Dear Paddleboard Miami Members,

The following is a message from the "Push for Pops" Fundraiser this coming Saturday. Please visit their new website at


We invite you to get up and get moving to raise Cancer awareness. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed or lost their fight with Cancer this benefit is for you to show your love & support. Bring your bike, skateboard, paddle board ...anything you want!

Location: 24th & Collins (Behind the Gansevoort Hotel)
$10 minimum donation
Ride Starts: 5:00 pm

The Rooftop at Gansevoort Miami Beach
8:00-10:00 (free drink from Ciroc Vodka with Donation)
We will be auctioning the newest Hirooka Surf & Sport T-shirts straight off the lovely HSS models!


Everyone needs to meet on the sand behind the Gansevoort Hotel at 24th street for at group picture at 5pm SHARP! Then everyone will go to their start point as indicated by the map that will be provided. Please arrive with your (cash) $10 donation ($20 if you need to rent a paddleboard) in a sealed envelope with your name, email, and amount written on the front.

PLEASE contact Lindsay Bell ( if you need to reserve a paddleboard!!! This is urgent. They may run out so please reserve yours in time.

"Push For Pops"
The start and finish line will be at the Gansevoort Hotel in South Beach (2377 Collins ave Miami, FL 33139.) -Beginning at 5:30pm and ending at 7pm. The after party will begin at The Rooftop at the Gansevoort at 8 pm. The route for everyone on wheels will take you through South Beach to South Point Park and back. The route for everyone one foot will take you from 24th street to 15th street and back.

The disciplines are as follows:
1. Bike Ride, Longboard, Skateboard, Rollerblade, Rollerskate (set course)
2. Run, Walk (set course)
3. Kiteboard- weather permitting (no set course- just heads in the water as a show of love and support)
4. Stand Up Paddle (no set course- just heads in the water as a show of love and support)

Wheels are gonna head out from 24th to southpoint park and back, Runners and Walkers are gonna head out from 24th st to 15th st and back, and the kiters and S.U.P's will be in the ocean behind the Gansevoort with no set course. They will just be there as a show of support. Can't wait to see your smiles!


Thank you for taking the time to read this message, we hope you can attend this special event.

Best regards,

Shirley & Brenda Lowe
Paddleboard Miami