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Runic month of Gebo begins

From: Torvald
Sent on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 2:53 AM
Today begins the runic month of Gebo (GEH-bo), easily represented in type with an "X". Gebo represents the familiar concept of a gift. But, that has many meanings, of course. In a different connotation the rune represents the joining of two individuals in a close relationship. So, Gebo is often referred to as the marriage rune.

As represented well in the lore, Germanic society was bound to a concept that a gift looked for a gift. This is based within the virtue of hospitality, one of the Nine Noble Virtues present in modern Asatru. As a part of this, anything extended to a person is often repaid in kind, whether it be a birthday gift or a night's stay or some other extension of kindness. In deference to modern society where "you don't get something for nothing", Old World hospitality dictated that you could get something for "nothing". But, you were not much of a person if you allowed yourself to not reciprocate to everyone else in the same way. Gebo is the individual's right to look to give a gift rather than to always look for receiving a gift.

With its ordered placement within the Elder Futhark, Gebo stands as the first of many aspects of an individual dealing with his own world, the world of mankind; always stepping forth with a modicum of respect for everyone in assumption of having that instant respect met on any first encounter with another human being. In its representation of marriage, the rune more deeply stands for the give and take of a balanced relationship. The man gives up the keys of the house for the woman to run as she gives up the family sword for the man to rule the land.

For the next fifteen days, see how many times you can apply Gebo in your daily interactions with other people and try the outward gift of giving respect. You may find that all it takes is an open hand in friendliness to find a reward.

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