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Fw: [Temple Of The Greek Gods]­s

From: Valerie V.
Sent on: Monday, October 1, 2012, 4:53 PM

From: Valerie Voigt <[address removed]>
Subject: [BlueFireFamily] Fw: [Temple Of The Greek Gods]
To: "Waxing Moon Circle" <[address removed]>, "Temple of Inanna and Dumuzi" <[address removed]>, "Blue Fire" <[address removed]>
Date: Monday, October 1, 2012, 4:07 PM


In Thessaloniki recently, an apartment building was razed to make way for a new apartment building.

Beneath the rubble was a 6th-century temple of Aphrodite.

The landowner plans to continue with plans for the apartment building, since the Greek government has not (yet) designated the temple a historic site.  Archaeologists (with the help of Pagans) are trying to get the site designated a historic treasure, thus protecting it from development. 

A petition to that effect is being prepared by the Temple of Venus in Greece (so-called, apparently, because the Greek nerd who reserved the url thought that English speakers would know the name "Venus" but not the name "Aphrodite"--the Temple's Greek name is Naos Tes Aphrodites, "Temple of Aphrodite").  If you click through below on the temple link, you will be taken to the page where you can sign the petition.




Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

--Frank Kaiser, in "Suddenly Senior"


--- On Mon, 10/1/12, Tryfon Graphics <notification+o4=[address removed]> wrote:

From: Tryfon Graphics <notification+o4=[address removed]>
Subject: [Temple Of The Greek Gods]
To: "Temple Of The Greek Gods" <[address removed]>
Date: Monday, October 1, 2012, 5:52 AM

Tryfon Graphics 5:52am Oct 1
Signatures for the highlighting of the temple of Aphrodite. - SIGNATURES
Βοηθήστε να αναδειχθεί ο ναός της Αφροδίτης στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Help us to save the temple of Venus in...

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