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New Meetup: Halloween Party and Benefit - Get Creepy For A Cause!

From: Kyle W
Sent on: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 12:01 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southeastern PA Nerds and Geeks Social Alliance!

What: Halloween Party and Benefit - Get Creepy For A Cause!

When: October 31,[masked]:00 PM

Old Academy Players Theatre
[masked] Indian Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129

We've all been invited to a Halloween party! Not only can we dress in confusing costumes (Doppler Effect, anyone?), but we can also help out with a worthy cause.

The hosts of the party put up this message:

Dear friends,

As many of you may know, our best man, Chris Schenk, was diagnosed with melanoma, a form of skin cancer, just a few weeks ago. Chris will soon undergo surgery which will hopefully bring good news. However, his medical insurance will cover only a small portion of the cost. We have decided to make the best of an unfortunate situation and throw a party in Chris' honor

You are Invited
to a
Halloween Bash!

Please join us on Saturday, October 31st, from 6 to 11 p.m., at the Old Academy Players Theater in the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia. The Old Academy has donated the use of it's spacious "Carfax" building, and there will be musical entertainment courtesy of Digital DJ Joe. There will also be casino games (top prize: EAGLES TICKETS), and prizes awarded for the best costumes. The Silver Spoon Cafe, which is just down the street from the Old Academy, will be providing a bruscetta bar for appetizers and a delicious buffet dinner.

Just bring a drink or dessert item of your choice and a suggested contribution of $5. For directions to the Old Academy, see

We hope to see you there!

Ivo and Katie

So hey, $5 to help someone out and have a good time! Bring your beverages and cupcakes and come on down! If you want to find me, just look for Dr. Horrible!

Learn more here: