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New Meetup: New Moon Rising... but First... Let Us Feast...

From: Kyle W
Sent on: Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 10:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southeastern PA Nerds and Geeks Social Alliance!

What: New Moon Rising... but First... Let Us Feast...

When: November 20,[masked]:00 PM

UNO Chicago Grill
801 Neshaminy Mall
Bensalem, PA 19020

The long awaited sequel is here... (well, it will be on November 20th)... so if you're a fan of the glistening vampire, please join us!

First, we shall dine on Pizza and other foodstuffs at Uno's... then we will fight our way through a rioting mass of tweens to see vegetarian vampires who get all sparkly in direct sunlight. This is not to be confused with the sparkly effect that Jedis show when they bite the dust... or irritating Gungans for that matter (if you know not of what I speak you need to start watching Robot Chicken).

I enjoyed the first movie and have not been paid (much) to say that. It is also the birthday of someone who knows it's not easy being Green. Not Kermit... but our own assistant organizer. So we will have the added pleasure of doing our best to embarrass her at the restaurant prior to swatting tweens out our path like so many hockey pucks.

Dinner at 8 PM, movie at the AMC at 10:10 PM. I would suggest you purchase your ticket online to ensure you get one. If you go to the AMC Theater website you can buy the tickets ahead of time and if you have a rewards card you will not be charged anything beyond the ticket price.

Hope to see you all there.

(Footwear of steel toe boots is recommended to kick the screaming tweens in such a way as to not hurt your toes.)

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