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**** RSVP in order to get one free Raffle ticket - arrive by 12pm for a good seat

From: John G.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2015, 4:55 AM

Please RSVP if you are attending this Sunday in order to get one free Raffle ticket

It is important to RSVP in order for Hudson Grille to provide us proper staffing so you get your food & drink in a timely manner.

Last week we had over 130 attend out of 200 who did not RSVP.

So if you don't RSVP, no free Raffle ticket & slower wait service for everyone.

Otherwise, if you desire a decent seat arrive AT LEAST 60 minutes (eta 12pm) before kickoff. Hudson Grille opens at 11am.

We look forward to cheer the Patriots to victory with you on Sunday.


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