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What we’re about

I would like to think of this new group as a "flash mob" for volunteering:) By further definition, a large group of people that commit to volunteering for one day - at a pre-determined time - at a deserving non-profit. Each month we would choose a different entity to "angel". It is my hope that we can offer a day to go out and complete a wish list - making a big impact in one swoop. The wish list can be anything from painting a room, cleaning, landscaping, moving, setting up cages, helping with a fundraiser etc. No experience necessary - just a desire to make a difference in the world. As a former volunteer director at a non-profit, I know that EVERYONE has a skill to offer that can make a difference. Come flaunt your skills for a good cause and meet some nice, like-minded people in the process:)!! My personal obsession is with animal rescue and shelters but I also feel that cancer relays, battered woman's clinics, veterans programs, food pantry's, senior citizens (to name a few) are all worthy groups/causes for us to consider too. It is my goal for every member to have a say and to know that their opinion is valued. While this group is for adult volunteers 18+, I would also like to have family volunteering days on occasion, when appropriate. I think it is important to teach children empathy and personal responsibility - volunteering is a great way to do that. A final note: If you have been thinking about volunteering but do no know where to start, this may be your perfect opportunity to "try out" numerous organizations to find your perfect match. On the flip side, some of you may actually prefer helping out all kinds of causes rather than just a single non-profit. You may have a crazy schedule that only allows you to volunteer a couple of days per year - that is OK too. Sign up for whatever catches your interest on a date that works for you. Your effort and enthusiasm will always be welcome and appreciated:)!!