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New Meetup: 2009 Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival

From: Ronald T.
Sent on: Sunday, March 1, 2009, 11:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Photographers and Digital Artists of Los Angeles!

What: 2009 Sierra Madre Wistaria Festival

When: March 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: The 2009 Wistaria Vine Festival To Bring Thousands to Sierra Madre to See the

World's Largest Blossoming Plant

Art and Garden Faire features 150 Artisans
* 1.5 million luxuriant lavender blossoms
* 250 tons
* More than one acre in size
* 500 foot branches
* 40 blossoms per sq. foot
* Growth rate (per various experts) from 24" in 24 hours to 26" in 48 hours
* Named by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest blossoming plant in the world
* Named one of the seven horticultural wonders of the world, along with the redwood forest in Sequoia National Park, Brazil's tropical jungle in the Amazon Valley, Mexico's Xochimilco floating gardens, India's gardens of the Taj Mahal, Japan's Yokohama rock gardens, and the gardens of Buckingham Palace

Learn more here: