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Re: [photo-496] Activities

From: Norma
Sent on: Friday, May 9, 2008, 7:03 PM
Just wanted to say, it's been a long time since I've entered the Pomona Fair Photo show. Been in several of them over the years. The photos are, at least in the past, excellent and of high quality.  A great show to see and be a part of if you are lucky enough to get in.
Thanks for posting that Ron.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald Talley [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Friday, May 9,[masked]:34 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [photo-496] Activities

We have some excellent activities that are before us here at Photographers and Digital Artists of Los Angeles. First I would like to thank the Coordinator at the Millard
Sheets Center for the Arts at Fairplex for sending us information about their art show at the Fairplex during the Los Angeles county fair. The cut off time for entrance into this exhibit will be May 15. I'm encouraging all of you to enter to show your abilities.For Details and To Enter: Visit www.millardsheetscen­

Hi Ronald, I'm the Photography Coordinator at the Millard
Sheets Center for the Arts at Fairplex, and
we host an annual photography competition and resulting exhibit
at the L.A. County Fair (Sep. 5-28).