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Two Noteworthy Organizations in Need of Your Help

From: Ronald T.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 12:28 PM

Two Noteworthy Organizations in Need of Your Help

As photographers and digital artists we understand how powerful the media of photography can be. Expressions - ���The Art of Communication��� and The Skid Row Photography Club are meeting needs of forgotten people through photography.

Expressions - ���The Art of Communication��� reaches out to underserved, at-risk youth ages 10 to 18 and empowers them to communicate through the lens of the camera. In addition, during the 10-week classes student learning styles are assessed and techniques are provided which promote school success. Learning activities include strategies that improve both written and verbal communication too. You can read more about the class featured in Our Weekly at this link

Classes are free of charge to participants. Expressions ��� ���The Art of Communication��� is a program offered by Integral Opportunities Corporation a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization seeking donations of new or used cameras, funding is welcome also. Your donations are tax deductible. Please contact Deborah Talley at[masked] or [address removed] for more information.

The Skid Row Photography Club has the following mission: ������to provide residents of our community with a healthy artistic outlet designed to bring new possibilities of self expression as well as personal development and growth. All are welcome to participate for this weekly activity as we explore the beauty of Skid Row.���

Skid Row is a community where thousands of homeless people live in an area of downtown Los Angeles.

According to photographer Dave Bullock  (who started the idea of the club), he wrote a proposal to the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council to buy digital cameras, the cameras were given to people living in Skid Row. After brief lessons in composition individuals were provided cameras. The club recently had a show where some of the 20,000 photos taken over the past six months were displayed.

For more details follow this link

The club is seeking donations of digital cameras too. To donate contact Dave at [address removed].

Both organizations can use your help to further their valuable efforts to make significant changes in the lives of others. Will you be part of the solution too?