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New Meetup: Why be a Starving Artist When you can be a Rich One

From: Ronald T.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 11:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Photographers and Digital Artists of Los Angeles!

What: Why be a Starving Artist When you can be a Rich One

When: May 16,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This will be a very special meet up, our guest May 9, at the Marina del Rey library, will be the author of Why be a Starving Artist When you can be a Rich One, Dominick Mauro Jr. .

Dominick is a photographer that has connected the dots on how to find your direction in the field of photography and digital arts.

Dominick, who has admitted to have made some very bad calls in his pursuit to join the photography business world, will openly discuss his ups and downs leading to his arrival at a very successful wedding photography business. Also how he now gives back by taken under his wing photographers who are just starting out, and help them over the hurdles to complete their quest to be the best photographers with their own businesses that are successful.

We are in discussions with Dominick, about some exciting possibilities for our membership.

You can find his book on Amazon,

Learn more here: