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Venue Available for Events, Film, Photo and Video Shoot in the west side.

From: Edna L.
Sent on: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 12:22 AM

Venue Available for Events, Film, Photo and Video Shoot in the west side.


You may view the room through here and if you go through the album also check out Events held at Out of Asia.[masked][masked]

Our showroom has been used as a venue for  events such as charity events, business and private meetings and parties, fashion show, wrap parties, lectures, training & seminars,, press conference, warehouse sale, book signing  as well as live band performances- concerts. The setting could be either lounge set up or club like setting or tailor to your event.  We are equipped to assist you for props to make your event memorable as we have rented to the movie and entertainment industry. It's a great unconventional place for any occasion as well as a sanctuary
for meditation, yoga or dance performance.

Private and Secured 43,000 sq ft exclusive compound, a 17,000sf showroom with a soaring 20ft ceiling with ample parking and contained acoustic. Even just half of the building can already accommodate up to 1000 guest.

It has a nice ambiance and a vibe of inspiration. An opportunity to discover, and indulge a stimulating experience.
The setting could be either lounge set up or tables or tailor to your event. We have a bar, which beverages and alcohol can be served as well as cocktails and appetizers and full menu per
request as well as great sound system, karaoke and live performances. I can assist in planning or organizing an event;
large or small if required.

Let me know if this would be of interest to you. My cell number is 310 [masked]  or you can stop by our showroom at 3249 S. LaCienega near 10/405 freeway or google map at this address
3243 La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles 90016..


 Copy of la mag award A Edna Luer



(rated "BEST OF LA" by LA Magazine)

      3249 S. LaCienega Blvd.

      Los Angeles, CA 90016

      tel. [masked], fax[masked]

      email. [address removed]


visit our 43,000sq.ft. showroom/warehouse or browse through our website.

join : L.A. Arts, Design & Entertainment Network


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