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Re: [PDALA] New Meetup: Escalate 2010 Conference: stand up. stand out.

From: DaleE
Sent on: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 6:47 PM
It should be noted that the speakers at Escalate 2010 are some of the top photographers in the field of wedding photography so the content is likely to focus heavily on that topic.  

If you would like to attend but are lacking the funds, there are two scholarships available.  You can get more information on that at  The deadline for entries into the scholarship competition is noon Monday April 5th.


--- On Sun, 4/4/10, DaleE <[address removed]> wrote:

From: DaleE <[address removed]>
Subject: [PDALA] New Meetup: Escalate 2010 Conference: stand up. stand out.
To: [address removed]
Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 6:32 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for Photographers and Digital Artists of Los Angeles!

What: Escalate 2010 Conference: stand up. stand out.

When: Monday, May 17,[masked]:00 AM

Lido Theater
3459 Via Lido
Newport Beach, CA 92663

What is Escalate? Escalate is a photography conference about bringing your vision into reality. This conference is for you if you are ready to change how you approach your photography business. Join us in person at the event or watch us streamed live on the Web if you can���t make it. Are you ready stand up? Are you ready to stand out?

seven inspiring speakers.
Visionary leaders in their industries, the seven speakers were selected because they each illustrate how professional photographers take their creative vision and turn it into a real business. [B]ecker, Dane Sanders, David Jay, Jasmine Star, Jeremy Cowart, Jerry Ghionis and Jessica Claire.

two special days - May 17 and 18.
Get ready to delve deep as our speakers invite you explore topics on vision, strategy, identity. Who are you as a photographer? What were you made to do? How are you moving your vision everyday into a reality? Through the two days we hope you will be challenged, inspired, and in the end��� changed.

Note: This is a non-hosted event and is posted here for informational purposes only. Unless something unforeseen happens I will be working on May 17 and 18. The cost for tickets is $179.00 if you register before April 15 and $249 after April 15. Details can be found at

Learn more here:

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]