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What we’re about

The group's goal is to add the Voters Voice Amendment (VVA) to the U.S. Constitution The VVA articles are at Power to the People The VVA will allow voters to create a federal initiative, get signatures to place it on the ballot, and we all vote at the same time for passage. If the majority agrees -- it becomes federal law. 24 States already allow initiatives, and the VVA would also all state level initiatives in all the other states as well.

We will meet regularly to create a multi-state effort to increase visibility and find representatives that will support the VVA and help push it through the State Legislators and Congress.

The VVA is our Government’s 4th pillar, a tool to support Direct Democracy at the federal level, to address legislation that most people would agree should be law, while not having to rely solely on politicians to get it passed.

Our legislative process needs updating, just as everything else has in the last 200+ years. Today, we can all participate on a mass scale to pass legislation, we no longer only need Representatives sitting in the same room to make things happen.

The only thing worse that manipulating the minority is manipulating the majority.
With VVA passage we all win -- as both defenders of our rights, and believers that in the idea that a better democracy is possible for the U.S.A.