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PLUG + POSH Hack Afternoon

Photo of Nick Bannon
Hosted By
Nick B.
PLUG + POSH Hack Afternoon


The monthly PLUG + POSH Hack Afternoon is a language/platform agnostic hack session. Bring your favourite or interesting project and a love of code, or any other tech project that you're interested in. We'll be hosting it in person @ the Artifactory, as well as online. You can also access it at this URL on the day:

Also: join us any time on chat if you want to get in touch with us, details here:

There is a $5 fee for Artifactory non-members. Check their website for how to pay, or you can just give it to the organiser on the day.

Photo of Perth Linux Users Group (PLUG) group
Perth Linux Users Group (PLUG)
See more events

Every 2nd Sunday of the month

The Perth Artifactory
16 Guthrie St · Osborne Park, WA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location