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Philly Geek Awards 2013

From: Brad W.
Sent on: Monday, June 10, 2013, 1:05 PM

The Philly Geek Awards are back!  Just like last year, they have a category for Event of the Year.  Our entire community worked very hard to organize what was easily one of the best, and most talked about, WordCamps on the East Coast last year!  Please take a moment and nominate WordCamp Philly 2012 for Event of the Year at the Philly Geek Awards!

You can easily nominate WC Philly by filling out the nomination form here:

Make sure you check "Event of the Year" and fill out why you think WordCamp Philly deserves the award.  The WC Philly web address is

The June Philly WordPress Meetup will be announced soon, we're just working on finalizing the details.

Thank you and see you all soon!

-Brad W
@phillywp | @williamsba

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