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Come to the PANMA Holiday Party!

From: Reed G.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 2:43 PM
Hi, WordPressers! I wanted to invite you to the holiday party held by the Philadelphia Area New Media Association, PANMA ( It's always a great time! This year, we're at National Mechanics, 22 South 3rd Street in Philadelphia. (3rd between Market and Chestnut streets.)

The party time is 6 to 8pm on Thursday, December 5th. We'll have some food for you and also drink tickets. PANMA's community is the Philly tech-creative people who design and develop websites, work with databases, do internet marketing, social media, web journalism - pretty much anything web related, so it is a wonderful chance to meet people and make social and business contacts.

The party's free, thanks to PANMA's terrific sponsors, but please register to help us plan:

That's Thursday, December 5th (next week!) from 6 to 8pm at National Mechanics Restaurant and Bar, 22 South 3rd Street in Philadelphia. See you there!
Reed Gustow
Philadelphia New Media Association

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