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Announcing 3 terrific organizations for Crowdsourcing Change on Net Tuesday, August 6!

From: Seth H.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 24, 2013, 10:06 AM

We're pleased to announce the three local organizations eager to receive the wisdom of the crowd at Philly Net Tuesday on August 6:


The Support Center for Child Advocates (, Twitter: @PhillyAdvoKid), which advocates for victims of child abuse and neglect in Philadelphia with the goal of securing a permanent, nurturing environment for every child. Presenters will be Moira Mulroney (Director of Development & Communications) and Tracy Buchholz (Communications Associate).


The National Constitution Center (, Twitter: @ConstitutionCtr), America's first and only museum devoted to the U.S. Constitution, its ideals and its legacy of active citizenship.  Presenters will be Lauren Saul (Director of Public Relations) and Sarah Fergus (Public Relations Manager).


The Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (, Twitter: AgatstonUNI), a program from Penn that engages, educates and empowers youth, university students, and community members to promote healthy lifestyles and build a just and sustainable food system.  Presenter: Oskar Castro (Director, Youth Development and Partnerships).


For more information, and RSVP (helpful for planning, though not required), visit the Meetup event page.


Hope you can join the crowd (in person or online).




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