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Hunt For The Cure

From: Carlo D.
Sent on: Sunday, October 7, 2012, 9:00 AM


Good Sunday Morning Everyone: A good friend of mine is having a 5k Hunt For The Cure event next week for Leukemia. She is looking for donations for this great cause and I told her I would pass the information along to everyone I know. Please take a moment to check it out and if you have the ability to donate pleaes do so. She is accepting checks made out to "Leukemia and Lymphoma Society." Her request is below. Thanks Carlo ********************************************************************************* Please join us for a fundraiser Hunt for the Cure, for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society, in memory of my brother in law who had Nonhodgkins lymphoma.  Steve was a teacher and also loved to hunt.  We chose to partner with the Leukemia and Lymohoma society because they do a lot of education for patients and families and he would have been very supportive of that mission. Check out for info on the "5K run, walk, hike, or play 5K"event if you can come! If you can't be there in person please consider sending a donation! 1 week left to send your donation to help educate patients and families and change lives!!! Join us by mail or in person for a fundraiser for a great cause!  Donations can be sent to: [masked]th St.E Nerstrand MN 55053. Cash or Checks payable to  the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In memo section please put "Hunt for the Cure" as we are tracking donations ($480 pre-event) to get to our goal of fundraising $4000!!!  I am updating evite daily with donation total.  Help us find a cure and change the world!!!


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