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New Event: Two-day portrait workshop - Jeffery Luhn Santa Cruz Studio

From: Jeffery L.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:22 PM
Announcing a new event for The South Bay Photography Meetup Group!

What: Two-day portrait workshop - Jeffery Luhn Santa Cruz Studio

When: Saturday, November 17, 10:00 AM

Event fee: USD199.00 per person for both days

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Two-day portrait workshop at the studio of Jeffery Luhn, 181 Walnut Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Tel:[masked] Fee: $199. for both days. (10+ hours total) Fee includes extensive packet of illustrated handouts to use for future reference. Models will be at the workshop! Sign-up info at the bottom of page. See Jeff's photo galleries at Details follow:

Learn how to get great portraits using the same techniques that top pros use. The workshop is a very organized combination of lecture, studio demonstrations and outdoor shooting. After this workshop your people pictures will be categorized into two distinct groups: Before the Portrait Workshop and After the Portrait Workshop. No kidding. By the end of the workshop students will be able to do the following:

1. Identify and set up the five basic lighting patterns common to all professional portraits.
2. Understand what a lighting ratio is and how to use that knowledge to control contrast.
3. Have a basic understanding of what studio lights do and where to get good deals.
4. How to get professional results with very little equipment - indoors and outdoors.
5. How to pose a subject (children, spouses, models, etc.) to obtain a professional result.
6. Choose which lighting to use for certain types of subjects to enhance their best features.
7. Get good photos in the most challenging situations, when other photographers can't.
8. How to set up a 'field studio' in minutes and get professional pictures on location or home.
9. Adjust the lighting so your consumer level camera will produce great shots on automatic.

What students say about Jeff's workshops:

"Jeff is an experienced photographer, and a really good instructor too. The workshop I took from him was very informative and hands-on, and I learned a bundle." - Chris Ryan, Organizer of Santa Cruz Photo group

"I was really impressed by your lighting workshop. I learned so much.
All the techniques you discussed were really interesting, and you could see them work right in front of you. I had no idea you could do so much with light. I didn't realize you could train yourself to recognize differences in needed lighting. Thanks A lot!!" - Lucian Gregg, San Francisco State Student studying Drama and Stagecraft

"I was expecting to learn about taking good portraits and that's the information I got from the class. I actually got more than I expected in that I could walk away from the class and immediately apply what I learned about lighting." - Theresa H

"I've taken two other classes on studio lighting and read several books on the topic. I have my own studio lights and work with them often. While all of these experiences have been helpful, nothing has given me as much good, solid information in so little time as Jeff's class. He unravelled mysteries that other instructors never touched. Highly recommended!" Marcia Q - uses photography occasionally at work.

Shots from previous workshops available at

SIGN UP PROCEDURE: Full payment must be received one week before the start of the class. Make checks to Jeffery Luhn. Mail to P.O. Box 750 Felton, CA. 95018 Paypal accepted - send payment to [address removed]

Students that have completed the one day class can take the second day of this workshop for $99. Contact me by email to discuss.

Questions? Email me at [address removed]

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