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a new art exhibit opening with food

From: Daniel P.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 2:25 PM
im doing an art exhibit, where at urban outfitters. I am trying to replace photos of food with settings and i thought that this group might be interested. There will be free popcorn, and bands playing so it is really worth it with a large space. The info is below

Dan's Good Grub has been given yet another opportunity to share some great food, art and music to those in Copenhagen. This time replacing photos of food with different table settings where good food would be eaten.

On the 1st floor of the Urban Outfitters from June till July the gallery will showcase the settings that influenced the making of God Mad: Good Grub.

June 6th, is the opening party. From 12 -16 the upstairs will be filled wit bands, art and of course some Caramel Popcorn. It will be an event that you wont want to miss, so bring friends, have some popcorn, listen to the music and talk to dan.

the facebook event is

