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Now accepting contributions for PhotoSA

From: Jim L.
Sent on: Friday, January 23, 2015, 10:34 PM

Hi Photographers,

As most of you know, a lot goes into making a Photo SA great, and some of that greatness requires cash (often my own). There's a new feature on Meetup that makes it easy for everyone in our group to chip in and help cover our costs. Starting today, you'll be able to use a credit or debit card to contribute on our Meetup group page, or right from this link -

Contributions to PhotoSA help cover costs and make our group even better. Some may be unaware, it costs us time and money to put on the events. Voluntary Annual membership is $29. Choose any amount you wish (+or- $29). Thanks supporting Photo SA.

This isn't required, of course, but any support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping me build this great community!


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