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Photo restoration challenge...

From: Michael
Sent on: Sunday, January 27, 2008, 12:39 PM
Hello Photoshop Meetup members?

I wanted to let everyone know that I have posted a photo in the file section of the web site as a photo restoration challenge for everyone to play with? It?s an old photograph with a variety of damage and flaws to be corrected... Creases, water stains, textured surface reflections from the scan? etc. If you?re interested, give it a shot and let?s see what you can do? When you finish? resize (72ppi with file size < 1mb) and post in the photo section of the web site in Album titled ?Photo Restoration Challenge?

We?re looking for other challenges to offer members to work on? if you have a suggestion, let us know.

If there are any questions?, let me know? and have fun?!!

Michael (organizer)

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