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Read Heidegger's "Contributions to Philosophy - Of the Event" (part 5)

Photo of JasonC
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Read Heidegger's "Contributions to Philosophy - Of the Event" (part 5)


We continue the challenging "Contributions to Philosophy - Of the Event", this time reading sections 5-a and 5-b, in the section "the Grounding", the two subsections specifically about Da-sein. This is a shorter section than some of our previous, and includes numbered sections 168 throuhg 203 inclusive and pages 231-258. This is designed to leave the sections on the essence of truth for the following session, allong us to concentrate on the Da-sein as ground idea.

This work was composed in the period 1936-1938 but not published during Heidegger's lifetime. Our edition is the English translation by Richard Rojcewicz and Daniela Vallega-Neu from Indiana University Press. An amazon link to the work can be found here -

While familiarity with any of our past sessions on Heidegger would be helpful, there is no hard requirement to join in and read this work with us. It is a challenging work, however, and we will insist on remaining on topic as we try to make it through the entire text. This work could easily take us another 3 additional months so it is a major undertaking, and those starting on it should bear that in mind.

Still newcomers are entirely welcome; bring your questions.

Note that the date proposed for this is 1 week later than discussed at the previous meeting, to accommodate some travel plans. The correct date (to reiterate it) is Sunday, June 16th - at the usual 1 PM Arizona time.

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Phoenix Philosophy Meetup Group
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