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Re: [ruby-72] Cofounder,Engineer wanted for early stage startup

From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, July 28, 2007, 2:53 PM

Hello Pudur,

Can you please send your profile to me as well?

Thank you,

Rana Singh

On 7/26/07, pudur ramaswamy < [address removed]> wrote:
Looks like this will fullfil my passion for ROR
projects. I will send my resume ASAP. I am only
looking for a contract position.
if you are coming to meetup at verisign today, i'd
love to talk to you in person.
My cell number is[masked]
--- logan <[address removed]> wrote:

> *Description:*
> Weblivetalk is an early stage company - and I do
> mean early - its basically
> me, an idea, and some software architecture. I'm a
> Stanford engineering alum
> with several startups under my belt where I've
> worked in both marketing and
> engineering roles. I'm working on an idea that
> mashes up many to many audio
> and video communication with facebook/myspace
> profiles and several
> activities popular with younger early adopters: web
> surfing, dating, and
> reality TV. The market is huge, the idea is has not
> been done before, and it
> enhances consumer behavior that already exists.
> I'm looking for a cofounder, software engineer and
> architect who wants to
> work with me to build an alpha release, raise
> funding, and build a team.
> This will be a sweat equity position for a few
> months until we raise
> funding.
> *Requirements:*
> You must be an experienced software
> engineer/architect with a visible
> portfolio of sites in Java, PHP or Ruby on Rails.
> The prototype is in Rails,
> so preference will be given to those that know Rails
> or are motivated to
> learn it quickly. You should have experience scaling
> out a web app that can
> handle tens of thousands of simultaneous users.
> *Contact:*
> Send a resume and cover letter to
> [address removed] , or see me at the
> Rails meetup tonite in Mountain View.

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