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Re: [ruby-72] No April Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails meetup

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 2:19 PM
dude you're slipping :)

--- Zachary Taylor <[address removed]> wrote:


A special announcement from Zachary Taylor, Organizer
of Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails

Hey everyone,

There will not be a Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails
meetup this month.  Next month's meetup is tentatively
scheduled for Thursday May 10th, at a new location at
Verisign's offices in Mountain View (thanks
Lysander!).  Details will come soon as confirmations
are made.  Thanks -- looking forward to seeing
everyone next month!


This message was sent by Zachary Taylor (member
profile: https://ruby.meetu...­)
from Silicon Valley Ruby on Rails.

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