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What we’re about

Hi Healer, We're starting back up with our in person social meeting and networking for professional healers of all types to connect, collaborate, and create! We welcome: therapists-trainers-acupuncturists-Intentional artists-yoga instructors-nutritionists-herbologists-caregivers-massage therapists-social workers-doctors-nurses-teachers-energy healers-musicians-activists...

You can:
- Unwind and enjoy well needed uplifting social time. 
- Bounce ideas off of each other and maybe even find collaborators on social change, art, and healing projects to healthify and beautify this great city.
- Find out about spaces, treatment rooms, and opportunities.

The top down structure is dismantling and a collaborative structure is taking its place. Let's unite our superpowers and create a strong healing vortex in Pittsburgh!

Thank you, Elizabeth Menzel and Casey Hall