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Shamanic Magic Truffles with Sound Medicine

Photo of Agata
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Shamanic Magic Truffles with Sound Medicine


Reconnect with yourself on a deeper level and break old habits. Find your inner peace and expand your mind. Find more joy & love with magic.

Book your spot here
Your participation is confirmed only after making the payment.

Inspiring location with a yurt in the middle of a private forest (Ananasbos), between the beaches of Sint Maartenszee and Callantsoog and the picturesque town of Schagen. Located on a Ley line, the energy is already palpable when you get out of the car and becomes stronger as you walk towards the yurt.

Before your participation is confirmed please fill out the intake form. After verifying the information I will be able to confirm or kindly deny participation.
The intake form is a very important step in joining the ceremony so please take your time to fill it in.

The group will be small, consisting of 4-10 participants to help keep your journey intimate and private.

We start the ritual by gathering in a circle so all participants can get familiar with the space and the rest of the group. You will be invited to share your intentions and expectations for the ceremony.

After this, truffles will be served and the sacred journey starts. It usually takes between 10-40 minutes to enter the process. While you start your journey in in your own safe space the guidance will begin with music and an opening song.

Around 4 hours later, when you will be returning from your exploration, you will be welcomed again with a herbal tea and healthy snacks.
We will finish our journey by gathering once more in a circle, to share and integrate our experiences.

What to expect?
Expect everything and nothing and keep your mind and heart open. Bring an intention with you and then surrender and give space for magic.
The ceremony may last between 2 to 6 hours. During that time I will be your guide and guardian amongst with my ancestors and my own guides will be with us.

Researched benefits of psilocybin

  • Assist with long term depression;
  • Assists in emotional management of terminal illness, for both patient and family;
  • Prevention and cure of obsessive compulsive disorders and addiction;
  • Promotes “mystical” introspection and self realization;
  • Supports in coping with and curing PTSD;
  • Promotes neurogenesis and neuroplasticity;
  • Can enhance emotional balance & mood;
  • Can induce lucid dreaming;
  • Boosts Creativity and improves memory retrieval;
  • Can Increase the Effectiveness of Psychotherapy;
  • Can Prevent Migraines & Cluster Headaches;
  • May help reduce inflammation.

Are you with the low budget? Check the option for the installments (send me a message and we can see how I can accommodate you in the best way)
Sound therapist, Medicine Woman, Ayurvedic massage therapist & Ayurvedic therapist. In my soul I have always been a musician and an artist. Music has been in my life ever since I remember. This is my second skin that I breathe and dream. It is my personal language and my medicine. I work with shamanism for a couple of years. With my teachers from Portugal I have learned over these years how to guide others and help them to connect to their inner selves.
Learn more and connect with Agata on Instagram @agata.wholistic.touch or at

Listen about the ceremony in my Wholistic Touch Podcast

Photo of Plant Medicine Journeys Amsterdam group
Plant Medicine Journeys Amsterdam
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Ruigeweg 105B · Schagerbrug
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