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Confusion about my "stepping down" as organizer

From: Gary Dale C.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 9:59 AM


There was a glitch on this MeetUp. Oddly enough after researching the reason it had to do with, of all things, iTunes.

I have two iTune store accounts. One for Thailand, but I also bought some apps from the US store so I had to open an account there. Recently I tried to pay for some US store apps via the Thai store website which triggered a fraud alert on my credit card, unbeknownst to me. As such when the MeetUp account payment was due my payment was rejected by my credit card.

It took me yesterday and today to figure out what happened and to get it fixed. But it is fixed and that is the important thing.

So no worries! Our group is alive and well and I look forward to seeing you at the next MeetUp!

Best regards,

A wiser Gary Dale