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What we’re about

What to say that you will already know?

  1. Electric pollutes more that diesel (petro)
  2. Tory’s hate cars Labour despise cars.
  3. we know it’s know it’s not about cars or
    Climate. It’s totally about control. The
    Majority of the youth haven’t worked this
    Out 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤯🤯🤯🤯
  4. Nor have the grasped the WEF and WHO
    WWO power grab.
  5. There’s something about motors!! They are
    are so amazing hence Topgear and the
  6. I would be tree hugging too if we weren’t
    being lied to on a totally profound and
    Mental scale‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🤯🤯🤯🤯
  7. what is 8. Yes 8 is if we get rid of all our
    cars (the real real scientists have said) it
    wont make a jot of difference.
    the Elite will have stopped our mobility
    and us being able to organise things!
  8. The youth don’t realise it’s about 15 minute
    Cities and the plot to enslave them 🤯🤯.
    How can the old talk to the young?
    10 Greta never slags of the countries that
    make our pollution pale into
    Insignificance or pulls big business‼️‼️
      1. 14).. I could go on and on.

I’m not wanting to hurt the planet and I get sad about all plastic in the sea and the shit that we do the f*cks up all the animals but
When the global revolution is backed by the top oil companies and banks then maybe it’s not just me who smells a rat Shouldn’t the the youth realise THE LEVELS THEY ARE BEING CONNED AND LIED TO.

Maybe everyday blokes and birds can change come together to deal with this madness!?