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What we’re about

Welcome to Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin, a project initiated by C*SPACE Berlin, a social entreprise, coworking and creative project space in Weißensee.

TEA TIMEs are regular Friday afternoon tea meet ups for tea lovers, enthusiasts and curious minds, to explore the wide scope of tea culture and the colorful tastes of the tea plant Camellia sinensis.The community event is for everyone, whether you are a tea lover, experience tea drinkers or just want to know more about tea in general, the event is for both beginners and experienced tea lovers!

Pop-Up Teahouse Berlin are often hosted by tea enthusiasts, experts and independent tea labels, to shed light on their knowledges and share stories from their personal journey to tea. We will share the tea experience together!

Every Friday, from 4-7pm @ C*SPACE BERLIN
Langhansstr. 86 13086 Berlin

Aside from the community format, we offer workshops and create cultural and art programs, from learning workshops to creative art crafts. Check out our social media for regular updates!