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Rock the Socks Off Charity Event - last communication on this list ;-)

From: Rob "Bodhi" W.
Sent on: Monday, September 28, 2009, 9:48 PM

Hi all – sorry for the spam, I promise to keep it to a minimum.


Here is a quick summary of the ongoing planning for this particular project.


The thing that people probably care the most about is that we’re not, _at this time_, looking for music or musicians.  The main organizer of this event has had some positive responses from the musical community, and by the end of the week will have confirmation from those various artists as to who is definitely going to play at the event (on Nov. 7th).   I think that the marquee will probably be full by then, and thus we won’t have space for any of us from the meetup group.  I thank everybody for their interest, and I have been keeping accurate notes as to who expressed a wish to play (and what type of music they offer, how large a group of musicians, etc.) so if we *do* have space on the marquee I’ll be contacting people/bands.


But right now, we’re in the “volunteer” phase of the project.  We have a half-dozen or so confirmed volunteers.  I have been keeping careful track of who offered to volunteer, and at the same time, I’m compiling a list of jobs (some short term, some long term, and a fun list of lots of dirty jobs on the actual day of the event).  Later this week I’ll be initiating a group e-mail conversation with that list of volunteers  where we all voice off about what we’d like to sign up to do.  That’ll be our chance to figure out who’s skill set matches which job description, and who’s schedule matches which timeframe, etc. 


If anybody is interested in joining that conversation and volunteering and hasn’t contacted me yet, you can do so by contacting me *directly* at [address removed]  .


Do not use this e-mail address ([address removed]), do not respond/reply to this particular e-mail, and do not reply to everybody on this list, please.


Please contact me _directly_ about any questions, comments, or concerns.


To the rest of you, this should be the last you hear about this event on this mailing list.  I’d like to personally thank you for your indulgence.



