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What we’re about

Community Circling with John in SE Portland. 

 Our Circling will be a lot like Authentic Portland with a few twists. For example, we may do an activity together or have a relevant or timely point of view to focus on. Circling is a way for us to practice presence in relationship. It's a space-filled conversation, leaving space for feelings, openness and reflection, where we are encouraged to follow the aliveness within and to speak our compassionate truths as they arise. 

We share our inner world with each other, noticing what is happening in us, between us and with other. We honor our curiosity and strive for clarity as we bring awareness to what is implicit and making it explicit. The goal is not to fix someone or protect them, but instead to celebrate and honor who, where and all they are, right now. 

Within circling we break through the assumptions and projections we have about each other and create a greater open-hearted awareness and appreciation of ourselves and each other. Circling is a practice that is most effective when you are able to show up fully. 

We would like for all participants to arrive as well rested as possible and nourished with a clear and unaltered mind, this also includes not having a drink or other mind altering substances beforehand. 

During Circling, deep emotions and feelings may come up, and we welcome your experience. Please also note that this is not designed to resemble or be a therapy session but an opportunity to be in community in a very sincere and perhaps groundbreaking way. If you have needs for a trained counselor or therapist or have a relevant mental health diagnosis, please find a certified professional counselor or psychiatrist. 

What to bring: Please bring a yummy snack to share and wear layers. We are asking for a minimum donation of $10 for the time and energy the leaders have put into developing and sustaining this practice. We thank you and appreciate your support. 

Doors will open at 6:45pm, please do not arrive earlier than that, since this will be at someone's home. Circling will start at 7:00pm sharp so please be prompt. Once the main circle has been started the doors will be closed. Depending on attendance, we might have one or split into two smaller circles. Our first Circling session will be for 40-50 minutes, and we’ll explore how it went. Then we will break for 10-15 minutes. 

The next Circling session will also be for 40-50 minutes, with a group discussion to follow. We’ll conclude all together at the end and speak about how it went for both groups.

John William Johnson is a board-certified psychotherapist, licensed in the state of California to practice, and has attended Circling events with Authentic Portland for more than a year. He has studied somatics for decades, and studied with Arnie Mindell, Continuum, Body Centered Integration, and many other forms.