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EFT and the Habits of Happiness Online

Photo of Penny Hill
Hosted By
Penny H.
EFT and the Habits of Happiness  Online


  • Welcome tappers! At each meetup we'll do two things: release stress and hopefully have some fun! Healing is important work, but it happens faster and deeper when we're having a good time. Taking our troubles too seriously actually helps keep them cemented into place. When we approach our own difficulties with an attitude of curiosity it really opens the door for change. At some point we've done enough tapping and tapped with enough other people to realize we all share the same problems.
  • Tapping is a gentle and powerful set of techniques. Tapping helps us clear away and release old troubling thoughts and heavy emotions. It helps us deal with discomforts physical, emotional, and mental. And, we'll learn and practice habits that help us build a 'positivity bias' in our nervous system. Bring some water, and a pad of paper to record any "ah ha"s you might have. Bring any questions or issues you'd like to tap on. Some openness and curiosity are always good things to bring along. Bring whatever makes you feel relaxed and at ease.

Penny has been tapping personally for close to 15 years, and has been a Certified EFT Practitioner since 2016. As a massage therapist she saw that some physical issues wouldn't resolve and realized that they were based in 'emotional armoring'. When she discovered EFT she knew she had found the tool both for her own healing and to help her clients finally get relief.

Over the years she also realized that tapping out the negativity was only half the equation. Actively training the brain and nervous system to release it's negativity bias and build a bias towards happiness created a powerful, reliable, and ready engine for change. That happiness is the path not only the goal. That there is no point when we've stressed enough, done enough, bought enough or pleased others enough to be happy.

Happiness has always been an "inside job" And far from waiting for it to to be bestowed on us, it's up to us to generate it for ourselves. It's grace, but it's grace we give ourselves.

Participation is free, but donations to help cover costs are appreciated, $5 to $15 is suggested. Donations can be made through PayPal at this link: or through my email:

Photo of EFT and the Habits of Happiness group
EFT and the Habits of Happiness
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Every 4th Thursday of the month

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