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Triple Your Success with the Law of Attraction

From: Jennifer B.
Sent on: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 2:16 PM

Come join us for a fresh perspective that helps bridge the gap between
theory and reality when successfully creating what you want. This workshop
is designed to help you understand and implement 3 critical areas that
dramatically influence your success with the Law of Attraction.

Registration is Required at: www.ConsciousProduct­

You will develop a practical understanding of what works and what doesn’t
when applying the Law of Attraction. You’ll learn to become aware, to
control, and then modify the way you currently think about yourself and
the way you create things in your life. It’s time to personalize the Law
of Attraction and tailor it to your unique personality…so you actually use
it rather than just think about it.

Break Through The Barriers That Have Prevented You
From Living The Life You Want

Self Value – How we value ourselves consciously and unconsciously affects
how well we are able to use the "Law of Attraction" process with

Our Unique Temperaments – Everyone has a special pair of glasses, or
personality, that they use to see and communicate with the world.
Understanding our personalities helps us recognize what each of us, as
individuals, need to receive in order to understand, believe, and accept
that the "Law of Attraction" actually works…in reality rather than just

Law of Attraction Essentials – Clarifying and focusing on the key elements
that make the Law of Attraction process understandable, doable, and
meaningful for you on a daily basis to create the life you want faster
than you thought possible.

- Doable action steps for implementing the Law of Attraction every day (a

- Why, “how you consciously and sub-consciously see yourself” matters a
great deal and how to recognize when you’re limited by internal conflict.

- Bridging the gap between faith and science: How creating a collaborative
and cooperative relationship between yourself and the intelligent universe
is the key to creating the life you want.

- Why enlightened self-interest is critically important for both the
quality of life you experience and the greater good of humanity.

- How understanding your unique temperament (personality) affects how you
utilize the Law of Attraction.

- Build a solid foundation of understanding about the Law of Attraction
that enhances your ability to make progress toward your dreams and

- Learning how to achieve Inspired Action on a daily basis…a powerful key
to manifesting your desires “quickly”.

- Enhance your experience by interacting with other like-minded
individuals who are committed to personal growth as well as evolving human

For more details and registration:  (please note: registration is required)


Meetup link:

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