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Book Selection

From: Craig
Sent on: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 12:34 PM
Hey everyone,

I know that one of the most fun parts of book club is picking the book for next month. I also know that it can be disappointing if your book didn't get picked. Let me quickly explain how we pick the book and what I think are some tips to give you the best chance at getting your selection picked.

At the end of every meeting, we select our next book. We do this simply by taking suggestions beforehand, writing them on a piece of paper and circulating that around. Everyone gets one vote and checks off which book they are most interested in reading. The book with the most checks wins.

If you really want to improve your chances of getting a vote, then I would recommend 3 things:

  • Show up to the meeting. This really is the only way to get a book on the voter list.
  • Print out a brief synopsis of your book that can be passed around and reviewed by members during the meeting.
  • Make your pitch. Before we vote, we give individuals an opportunity to chime in. Be ready to give people a brief synopsis and why you think it might be a good bookclub book.

None of this guarantees your book will win, but it really gives it a better shot when someone can comment on why a book seems like it will be an interesting book club choice.

I look forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting.

Happy reading.