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Book Club Tonight!

From: Rebecca
Sent on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 1:41 PM
Hi There!

If you haven't already, please RSVP on the Book Club Meetup page if you are going to be attending this evening. We are discussing ROOM.

Just to remind you, we are going to have a little bit of a new format for picking next month's book:

If you would like to nominate a book, please bring in a printout of the book synopsis for everyone to read. Only one book recommendation per person so that we will have a small pool to choose from. Too many books on the list can be confusing. You do not have to bring in a recommendation, but if you would like to, please do so!

We will pass around the printouts during the book review and let people read them at their leisure. At the end of group discussion, the people who would like to nominate a book will make a "pitch" for their book. Sell it hard! After all pitches have been made, we will take a vote.

Thanks, and I look forward to see you there!